On LibreWolf

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been using LibreWolf as my daily driver browser. It’s been about two weeks since then, and I had some thoughts. I originally tried to compile LibreWolf myself, which is how I found out 16GB of RAM is not enough to compile a web browser. I found this interesting since I was able to compile Floorp🔗 just fine a while back. Have browsers really gotten so complex over the past decade to require that much memory just to compile?...

No More Firefox

Mozilla is seemingly allergic to making good decisions, as shown by two recent (anti-)features it has brought to Firefox. First, is an AccuWeather widget on the new tab screen, enabled by default. On the surface, this seems mundane, but in order for this to work, Firefox is sending your “approximate” location to AccuWeather servers periodically in the background, even if you disable the widget🔗. This is the browser that tries to market itself as the go-to browser for privacy control....

Store Exclusives

Transformers 00s Store Exclusives This page was created as an entry into the 32-Bit Cafe’s Codejam #5🔗. While not necessarily a “complicated topic”, it is a topic I can ramble on about for hours. The early- to mid-2000s period of the Transformers franchise had an interesting product strategy, one that Hasbro seemed to shift away from following the success of the first live-action movie. This era was the one I grew up with, so I wanted to dive into one aspect of the toyline I find particularly interesting about this period: retailer exclusive toys....

Thinking About Databases

Let’s say you’re running a web service where users can add other users as friends. How do you store each user’s friends list in the database? The simplest solution would be to use one large table called “friends” with each row being an entry on one user’s friends list. How well does that perform if you scale up to millions of users? Are indexes applicable to speed things up here? Is there a better way to represent this data in the database?...

Customizing Vim

I’ve been using vim (specifically neovim) for over a year, I really enjoy how customizable it is, though up until today, I’ve only customized it through plugins made by other people. Today I wrote two Lua functions to streamline my workflow. I’m not very familiar with Lua but it was quite easy to pick up. First is a function to split my window so it would have two side by side, and a smaller one at the bottom, which gets turned into a terminal....

Building a Website is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

When I first created my website just over two years ago, I spent a lot of time fretting over what exactly to put on it. The common answer of “anything you want!” wasn’t helpful because I didn’t actually know what I wanted. Spending time browsing others’ personal sites and chatting with their webmasters gave me inspiration for new pages to build and new topics to blog about. After two years, I am learning what I want to put on my website....

Busy Weekend

Though I didn’t have any big plans this weekend, I kept myself busy around the house. I mailed some packages, did the grocery shopping, prepared some meals for the week, rearranged my kitchen, cleared out some expired food, and cleaned up my desk. It feels very good to be this productive.

X-Men 97

I’ve been keeping up with X-Men 97 weekly, it’s such a good show. I love that it has a pretty serious plot but also keeps some of that Saturday morning cartoon charm. The weekly release schedule is so nice, I love spending the week leading up to the next episode hypothesizing with my partner about what will happen next. It’s also gotten me into the X-Men more in general, I’ve been watching the original 90s cartoon in between episodes, and I think I’ll pick up some comics as well!...

Doing New Things Is Scary

I’ve been looking at gigs on Upwork to try and bring in some extra cash and bolster my experience. Some of these jobs seem braindead easy but I’m still so afraid to apply for them. Logically, I know that if something goes wrong nothing bad really happens, but the fact that something could go wrong terrifies me. I guess I just don’t want to disappoint people. My browser currently has a half-filled out proposal for a job....

Clearing My Game Backlog

I love video games. Or, at least, I think I do. I don’t finish very many of them. I either play them for a few hours and forget to come back or I hyperfocus and get like 75% through the story but lose interest before getting to the end. This summer, I’d like to make progress on my backlog of unplayed games. I’ll start with Baldur’s Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077....

Intermittent Fasting

I’ve started doing intermittent fasting to help achieve my fitness goals. It’s only been a week so far but I’m liking how it’s making me be more intentional about my eating habits. My eating hours are from 11am to 7pm, so I basically get two full meals and some snacks. I thought the hard part would be waiting until 11am to eat, but it’s actually pretty easy (probably all the coffee helping there), then when I do eat breakfast I can put more thought into it than when I’m half awake....

Happy (Belated) JS Naked Day

JS Naked Day🔗 happened this week, and as usual, I’m fashionably late. I decided to permanently remove a significant portion of the JavaScript from my site as it was affecting load times. There wasn’t a whole lot of JavaScript to begin with, which made this pretty easy to implement. What I did have was the following: 1. A script to randomly select from an array of quotes to display in the sidebar on each page load I just removed this as I just wasn’t finding it amusing anymore....

Dedicated Instant Messaging was Better

fLaMEd’s post about instant messaging programs got me thinking about my own IM journey. I’m too young to really have experienced the peak AIM and MSN days, but I did use MSN/Windows Live Messenger in the late 00s to keep up with some online friends I had met through various forums. Eventually, I moved to Skype as that is what all my IRL friends were on at the time. I was also on Curse Voice for the brief time it existed, mostly for voice calls during League of Legends matches....

Music Discovery Is Weird

As a teenager, the music I listened to was music my dad shared with me, music my friends would play when we would hang out, or music from video games and movies I liked. I remember spending time on Pandora creating stations based off my favorites in hopes I could find something similar I liked. I would discover a few songs this way but otherwise didn’t have much luck. As a result, I find I just listen to the same stuff over and over again, but there is so much music out there, I want to find more!...

Recreating the Windows Live Messenger Avatar in CSS

This past week I’ve been working on a big redesign of my site. I’m trying to recreate the vibe of MSN / Windows Live Messenger around 2008-2011. Today, I spent most of the day recreating the avatar frame from WL Messenger in CSS. At first, I was trying really hard to recreate the kind of squircle🔗 shape from the login screen. It turns out this is quite difficult in CSS, and the only way I could possibly have done it is through creating an SVG path that I could use to clip the HTML element, but then I would lose access to the border and box-shadow properties....

February Updates

Man, my one blog post per week goal sure fell apart quickly. To avoid going too long without a post, I figure I’ll give a quick update on what I’ve been working on. Over at the 32-Bit Cafe, we announced we are expanding into a Discourse forum🔗! I’ve been spending a lot of time setting it up and working alongside the rest of the mod team to get it ready before the February 15th launch....

Weekend SSD Adventures

Last weekend I was really getting the semi-annual itch to play Minecraft. When I loaded it up, I realized it would be a good idea to do a backup of my world, because I hadn’t done it in a while. I’ve poured a lot of hours into it with my partner and we would be devastated to lose it. So I wrote up a quick rsync command to send it over to my network storage (a strong term for an Raspberry Pi 4 with a USB hard disk attached)....

Reflecting on 2023

32-Bit Cafe Holiday Event 2023

2023 was truly one of the years of all time. In this post, I will look back at some of the cool things I did in 2023 and set some goals to achieve in 2024.


Anti-cheat Software Sucks

This week, Riot Games announced they are bringing their Vanguard anti-cheat software to League of Legends🔗. Previously introduced with the release of Valorant, Vanguard is a pretty typical kernel-level anti-cheat software, which is to say, a security nightmare. It runs at the highest level of permissions possible on your system. A lot of people seem concerned that, because Riot is owned by Tencent, Vanguard serves as a backdoor for the Chinese government....