I write code and occasionally blog posts.

Web Development

Happy (Belated) JS Naked Day

JS Naked Day🔗 happened this week, and as usual, I’m fashionably late. I decided to permanently remove a significant portion of the JavaScript from my site as it was affecting load times. There wasn’t a whole lot of JavaScript to begin with, which made this pretty easy to implement. What I did have was the following: 1. A script to randomly select from an array of quotes to display in the sidebar on each page load I just removed this as I just wasn’t finding it amusing anymore....

Recreating the Windows Live Messenger Avatar in CSS

This past week I’ve been working on a big redesign of my site. I’m trying to recreate the vibe of MSN / Windows Live Messenger around 2008-2011. Today, I spent most of the day recreating the avatar frame from WL Messenger in CSS. At first, I was trying really hard to recreate the kind of squircle🔗 shape from the login screen. It turns out this is quite difficult in CSS, and the only way I could possibly have done it is through creating an SVG path that I could use to clip the HTML element, but then I would lose access to the border and box-shadow properties....